A common question that we have from potential patients revolves around how long do Hair Transplants last. There is a real concern from patients that after having a hair transplant procedure that they will need to have a top up procedure carried out in the future to keep their hairline looking the same.
The great news is that after you have a hair transplant with us at UK Hair Transplant Clinics that you will not need any more procedures. Once you have a hair transplant with us, you will not any top-up treatments in order to preserve your results.
Why do Hair Transplants Last a Lifetime?
The follicles that are transplanted during the surgical procedure will last for the lifetime of the patient. These hairs are genetically resistant to balding, which means they will never fall out. This is because the hairs that are transplanted into your hair come from an area which is resistant to the DHT that causes baldness. You can be assured that after your hair starts to regrow after your procedure that it will be there for a lifetime.
I’ve Heard Stories About Hairs Dropping Out After A Transplant. Are They True?
Due to the transplantation process a number of hairs will fall out of the scalp. This is a known phenomenon when it comes to hair transplants and is a natural part of the bodies response to the procedure. It’s estimated that just 2%-5% of transplanted hairs do not survive the FUT procedure. FUE procedures are far more likely to result in the death of previously healthy hairs, but most procedures will only result in the death of about 10% of the transplanted hairs. After around 6 months the hairs that have dropped out, but the follicle has survived will begin to regrow again.
We take the rejection rate into consideration when we work out the number of follicles that will need to be harvested. Some other clinics will look to cut costs by taking less follicles from your head. This will result in a poor result however, so don’t be tempted to take less follicles – it will impact on the quality of your result.