Hair Transplant Information

If you are suffering from Hair Loss then you might be looking into a Hair Transplant. Over 40% of the UK Population suffer from hair loss and more and more of the population are looking for solutions. In recent years hair transplants have become a more popular procedure with a number of well-known celebrities having them carried out. But, you make have questions as to what a hair transplant is and what it entails. We hope to answer some of the questions you make have about hair transplants, especially if you are considering having one carried out.

What is a Hair Transplant?

The most important hair transplant information you need to know is what the procedure is. A hair transplant is a procedure to move hair from an area unaffected by hair loss to an area of thinning or baldness. It is a permanent procedure which can drastically affect the way you look. As different people have varying degrees of hair loss every procedure is different and the amount of hair to be moved will be different.

With Hair Transplants, the hair is often moved from a donor area at the back of the head. This area often has healthy hair which can be used to replace the hair in other areas of the head. Whilst some people may think that you can use body hair for a hair transplant, this is frowned upon by specialists as it produces poor results.

A Hair Transplant is carried out as a one-day surgery under local anaesthetic. These procedures are carried out in specialist hair transplant clinics rather than at local hospitals so it may be the case that you need to travel for a procedure. It’s worth bearing in mind that you will be unable to drive after your surgery due to a sedative being administered. Most providers will look to supply a hotel close to the clinic to help with this problem.

Types of Procedures.

There are two types of procedures that are commonly carried out when a hair transplant takes place. These are:

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT, or strip method):

  • A strip of hair-bearing skin is removed from the back and sides of the head and divided into individual hair grafts. Each graft contains about two hairs.
  • The grafts are then placed into tiny cuts (incisions) made in the scalp.
  • The wound at the back of the head is closed with stitches.
  • The head does not need to be shaved – only the area to be removed is trimmed.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE):

  • The entire head is usually shaved.
  • A special punch device is used to directly remove individual grafts of hair one by one.
  • The grafts are placed into tiny incisions made in the scalp.

The two procedures both have great success rates and the procedure used will be dependent on the number of hairs that need to be moved and the procedure the surgeon you are allocated is most comfortable with. There is a slight variation in cost between the two procedures, with FUT being slightly cheaper as it is less labour-intensive.

Both procedures have the same recovery times. The time spent recovering after a hair transplant is just as important as the procedure itself. We recommend avoiding any physical excursion for two weeks after surgery to reduce the of a poor transplant.

One key area of hair transplant information is that it will take 12-18 months to see the results of your surgery. Some people expect to see results within weeks of a procedure, but a little patience is required!

Costs of Hair Transplants.

The final part of Hair Transplant information that is worth bearing in mind is the cost of a procedure. The NHS do not offer hair transplants as they are considered a cosmetic procedure. This means that you will have to consider the price of surgery when thinking about a hair transplant.

Prices in the UK can vary from between £1000 to over £20000 for a hair transplant. There will be a number of factors determining the price of your procedure including the number of hairs that need moving, the type of surgery and the reputation of the surgeon carrying out the surgery.

Generally, it is recommended that you don’t use price as a determining factor when looking for a hair transplant provider. A low price can often mask poor service, so be sure of the service a provider offers before booking a procedure with them.

If you are interested in the prices of hair transplants we provide more information on our hair transplant costs page.

Getting more hair transplant information.

If you are interested in getting some more hair transplant information then we recommend coming to one of our free hair loss consultations.

The first step towards a hair transplant is a free, no obligation and fully confidential consultation with one of our experts. If you are suffering from hair loss then our experts will be able to recommend a treatment plan to prevent further hair loss and to restore your hair back to its former glory.

To book a free consultation simply fill in the form below and one of our team will be in touch to confirm a consultation date with you.

Remember, the purpose of this consultation is to better inform you about the options ahead of a hair transplant. It may be that you don’t need a hair transplant and we can offer advice on what alternative hair loss prevention methods there are.

Whatever you choose to do, we wish you the best on your hair transplant journey.

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Need Advice?

If you require any additional information regarding your hair transplant procedure please leave us your details below and a friendly fully trained telephone representative will give you a call back as soon as possible. All calls are completely confidential.

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    Tuesday 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
    Wednesday 08:00 AM - 08:00 PM
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