Types Of Hairlines
For those with low hairlines, the goal is usually to bring the hairline back so that the forehead is larger and the gap between the eyebrows and the hairline is increased, creating a more flattering face shape.Those with a widow’s peak may want the balder spots on their hairlines filled in for a straighter, more complementary shape.
Here’s a little insight into the types of hairlines and how they can be modified.
Straight Hairline
A straight hairline is considered a normal hairline. This hairline does not follow the natural curve of the head but is a straight line at the front with 90-degree angles on the sides. A straight hairline is genetic, but your hairline doesn’t need to be straight.Are hairlines supposed to be straight? This is the thought of many people. The answer is simple, no, all hairlines are not straight. But various types of hairlines are considered the best hairlines apart from receding and uneven hairlines.Here in this article, we will talk about the different types of hairlines.Mature Hairline
Many males tend to associate mature hairline with receding hairline, male pattern baldness and hair loss. Well, this is not the case. Here we will tell you what is a mature hairline. A maturing hairline is a slightly higher hairline that men develop when transitioning from teenagers to adults.The process typically starts between the ages of 17 and 29. A mature hairline is a natural phenomenon and nothing to be worried about. Mature hairlines emerge gradually. A mature hairline at 17 will look quite different than a mature hairline at 20.Most men also have a concern about how long a mature hairline lasts. Maturing hairline lasts for about 5 years and if you have male pattern baldness it lasts longer. You may lose more than 100 hairs in a day with these types of hairlines.Low Hairline
Those with a low hairline have a small space between their eyebrows and hairline, thus creating the appearance of a small forehead.For some, these can be a flattering type of hairlines – for others, it draws attention away from the features of the face. If you do not like your low hairline and want a simple change, then ask your hairdresser for some help.Low hairlines are the easiest to fix, your stylist uses edgers to trim your hairline slightly higher, or to your desired position. People with low types of hairlines do not have to worry about hair loss unless their hairline starts to recede and become higher with age.Middle Hairline
A middle hairline is also known as an average hairline. These types of hairlines sit in the middle of the forehead. If you have a middle hairline, consider yourself fortunate because it is these types of hairlines that most people want.People with middle types of hairlines can style their hair the way they want.Uneven Hairline
If your hairline does not have any symmetry, it is known as an uneven hairline. Both men and women can have it. One side of the hairline is slightly higher than the other. There is also a zigzag-type pattern of hair growth.An uneven hairline is genetic. However, other causes are hairstyling practices like pulling or tugging the hair too tightly. These types of hairlines can also become uneven if the hairline starts to recede. In men, male pattern baldness leaves an uneven hairline that can deteriorate further as hair loss continues.Female pattern hair loss also presents an uneven hairline.There are various solutions for both men and women suffering from uneven types of hairlines due to receding hairlines. Visit the UK Hair Transplant Clinics to know about the options.Hairline Widows Peak
More often than not, hairlines are not supposed to be perfectly straight. There are many types of hairlines, and most have ‘flaws’, small bald spots or other imperfections.A widows peak hairline is a good example of these types of hairlines. It is also known as an M-shaped hairline as the hairline recedes at the sides of the head but comes forward naturally in the middle. These types of hairlines are a tell-tale sign of a receding hairline. So, how to deal with receding hairline?With this type of receding hairline, the best solution is a hair transplant, as this will give you the most natural-looking and complimentary hairline.Receding Hairline
A receding hairline is a common problem among men and women. But it is more prominent in men and the most common type of hairlines for men. The hairline is a hereditary trait, but it also develops over time due to stress, age, eating habits, excessive hairstyling, alopecia and hormonal changes.A receding hairline is also known as a high temple hairline because the hair starts to creep upwards.How To Know If You Have A Receding Hairline?
Receding hairline is heredity, and you may start to lose hair at the same time as your parents or grandparents did. However, various signs let you know your hairline is receding. These include gradual hair thinning, excessive hair fall, bald patches on the scalp, uneven hairline, and an M-shaped hairline.In men receding hairline occurs in 7 stages.
Stage 1 – No signs of receding hairline in the beginning.Stage 2 – Hair thinning on both the temples.Stage 3 – Hair strands start to thin.Stage 4 – Hair loss that leads to baldness on the top of the scalp.Stage 5 – Hair strands on the crown fall off.Stage 6 – The hair strands in the middle of the scalp start thinning and fall off.Stage 7 – No hair on half of the scalp.How To Fix A Receding Hairline
To fix a high or receding hairline, many people resort to tattoos, certain sprays or makeup. These solutions do work but are temporary for these types of hairlines. The most natural and effective solution would be a hair transplant. It will give you real hair to bring your hairline forward and offer a more flattering shape.While a receding hairline can be distressing for an individual, it poses no risk to health. Most people can manage their hairline with hair loss treatment options available to help their hair look fuller or regrow.However, if you can’t tell if your hairline is receding, then you should schedule a consultation with hair experts at UK Hair Transplant Clinics today. They will assess your hair and let you know about the various types of hairlines and if you have a receding hairline and suggest the best treatment options.Are you looking for more info on the types of hairlines?
If you want more information about the various types of hairlines or just want to learn more about hair transplants and hair loss, then you can get a free consultation with one of our experts. Call us on 0800 043 0993 for assistance. You may also be interested in our hair transplant finance options.Find A UK Hair Transplant Clinic Near You
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Hair Transplant
If you suffer from hair loss, hair thinning or male pattern baldness, you might be looking into hair transplant surgery. Over 40% of the UK population suffers from hair loss and more and more are looking for solutions. Don’t let hair loss define you. Our hair transplant solutions are here to help you regain your confidence. With our affordable and effective hair loss treatment options, you can say goodbye to hair loss and hello to a new, revitalised you.
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Scalp Micro Pigmentation
One of the solutions we offer is Scalp Micro Pigmentation. This is essentially tiny tattoos that replicate the appearance of real hair follicles. A specialist pigment is inserted with a needle within the dermal layer of the skin and creates visual density.
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