The difference between male and female pattern baldness

Hair loss is a very real problem which affects millions of men and women in the U.K. It can often be an embarrassing subject and can diminish the self-confidence of sufferers. Despite the fact that many associate pattern baldness more with the male gender than with women, female pattern baldness is also a big problem for many. There are subtle differences, however, between male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness.

Hair loss is caused by a rise in DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) which causes hair follicles to shrivel and die, causing existing hairs to fall out of the scalp and preventing the growth of new ones in both genders. The main differences that can be observed between male and female pattern baldness are the symptoms and signs.

Men’s Trends

For men, pattern baldness is very common as you progress towards old age. Many allow their hair to follow its natural progression – however, if male pattern baldness occurs when the man is quite young, then a hair transplant is often a great option to give the scalp a new lease of life. Male pattern baldness is punctuated by a receding hairline and thinning hair around the crown. The hair loss will continually progress from the front of the head to the back, often with the hair on the sides of the head remaining intact, as these areas are less affected by fluctuating levels of DHT. Eventually, the entire top portion of the head will be completely bald.

Women’s Trends

Female pattern baldness begins with thinning hair across the central area of the scalp. Generally, if left untreated, it will appear as if the parting of the hair becomes progressively wider as DHT takes effect on the hair follicles there. While most women’s full heads of hair remain intact, some suffer from frontal fibrosing alopecia due to female pattern baldness. A small number of women experience baldness at the top of their head, much like the baldness experienced by men during male pattern baldness.

Although most men and women follow these examples of male and female pattern baldness, it can occur differently in each individual. There are many solutions available if you are suffering from hair loss, ranging from temporary to permanent. For a temporary fix, hair loss concealers are a great way to cover up thinning areas, or you could use an attractive headscarf. For a more permanent solution, hair transplants boast phenomenal results and success rates.

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